Scouts attended the 269 Merit Badge Challenge today in Aurora. We had 15 Scouts working on over 45 Merit Badges from Citizenship in the World to Crime Prevention. The Scouts work on the Badges over the next 90 days. This a great opportunity to earn some of those hard to earn Eagle Required MB.
Author: Scoutmaster
Bored this summer, check out this Parks App
KSU,CVNP and the Cleveland Metroparks have partnered up to build an App to help people navigate the parks and learn about informal science. They are looking for volunteers to test the app. They are asking people to download the app and test out a few adventure tracks. Full instructions are below. Go to and…
Honoring Memorial Day
The scouts honored our serviceman and women who have died for the United States. The theme of the services in the cemetery was about respect and reverence than one ofcelebration. Thanks to the scouts and parents who made this service today.
Beginner’s Backpacking Trip
This weekend, several scouts met at Camp Butler to backpack around the scout reservation. The scouts hiked to the first campsite at Hickory in Butler. They quickly set up camp as the daylight was draining away. Everyone settled in and most scouts were sleeping or quietly chatting at 10pm. The next morning, we had a…
Fire Safety MB Sign-Up
We are adding a sign-up for a camp on May 5-7th at Camp Tuscazoar. This is a great merit badge for new scouts to earn as well as round out some elective Merit badges for older scouts. This camp will need parents/adults to attend as there are conflicts with other leaders. This camp out is…
Flurry Road Pt. 2
The troop came out to Pack 3170’s winter camp at Butler and hosted the afternoon activities. The scouts hosted 5 of the games they perfected back in January at the Klondike. With varying success, that ended in a classic game of Capture the Flag, the Cubs and the Boy Scouts had a great time.
Congrats to Steven on his Eagle Board of Review
The troop would like to be the first ones to congratulate Steven Neveadomi on passing his Eagle Board of Review. Steven worked very hard to achieve this accomplishment. Please make sure to congratulate him the next time you see him.
40 Quality Questions for Eagle Scout Boards of Review – Repost From Scouting Magazine
Each question is listed with the Scouter who submitted it. Of course there’s no way you can ask 40 questions during an Eagle Scout board of review. But I’ve included this many in the hopes you’ll find a few you hadn’t thought to ask. What will you do as an Eagle Scout to give back…
Mad Max: Flurry Road Klondike
Back at the end of January, after 9 months of planning, the whole Troop family executed the finest display of organization and teamwork capable of a Youth organization. I could not have been more proud of the scout and adult participation. From food planning, registration and admin, health and first aid services, fundraising and donations,…
Pack 3170 Cross Over
Tonight, four Webelos crossed over into the Troop from Pack 3170. The Pack’s Blue and Gold banquet was held at the Northminster Presbyterian Church. After The best B&G banquet food ever, seriously it was really good, there was a ceremony awarding rank advancement to the cub scouts followed by the Cross-Over ceremony. Ayden led the…