Senior Patrol Leader
As senior patrol leader, I will manage my troop:
• Assign duties and responsibilities to ASPL and PLs and make sure they are completed
• Plan ahead for and lead troop in all meetings, events, and outings
• Plan and run Leader Training and Troop Planning workshop
• Plan and run 6 PLC meetings and 12 troop meetings
• Manage the planning of 6 troop outings by individual patrols
• Ensure the troop is a safe place for everyone
• Discuss progress of all scouts reporting to me at 2, 4, and 6 month points of term
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
As assistant senior patrol leader, I will support the senior patrol leader:
• Assign duties and responsibilities to troop leaders and make sure they are completed
• Support and assist the SPL in all PLC meetings, troop meetings, and troop outings
• Lead troop in all activities when the SPL is unavailable
• Participate in Leader Training and Troop Planning workshop
• Discuss progress of all scouts reporting to me at 2, 4, and 6 month points of term
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
Patrol Leader
As patrol leader, I will do my best to build patrol spirit and lead my patrol:
• Plan and lead at least 6 patrol meetings or activities
• Keep all patrol members informed of troop plans
• Track activities, attendance, and advancement of my patrol on web site
• Volunteer myself and my patrol as needed to make the troop run well
• Assign jobs to patrol members and help them succeed in those jobs
• Attend all PLC meetings and training sessions
• Prepare my patrol to successfully participate in all troop activities
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law |
QuartermasterAs quartermaster, I will manage my troop’s equipment:
• keep the troop equipment inventory list up to date on the web site
• keep troop equipment in good condition
• participate in at least 3 PLC meetings to report any equipment needs and status
• wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
As scribe, I will keep my troop informed about activities:
• Record on the web site, an account of every PLC and troop meeting
• Collect attendance and post to Troopmaster Web on a weekly basis.
• Arrange a replacement scribe for activities as needed
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
As historian, I will document the activities of my troop:
• Maintain and add to the troop history record on the web site for each troop activity, including Courts of Honor, camp outs, community service, Eagle projects
• Publish photographs from troop activities on the web site
• Submit at least one article about a troop event to local newspapers
• Write about troop awards and recognitions on the troop website
• Update troop record information, such as new eagle scouts, troop leaders, patrol roster on Google Docs.
• Keep historic items safe such as ribbons, awards, and memorabilia
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
Chaplain Aide
As chaplain aide, I will promote the concept of Reverence in the troop:
• Attend every troop campout or arrange a replacement beforehand
• Lead a religious service at every campout which I attend that includes a Sunday morning
• Prepare a grace and lead the troop before every meal
• Maintain the Chaplain’s area of the web site with graces, prayers, and resources
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
Order of the Arrow Representative
As troop OA Rep, I will promote OA, service, and camping in the troop:
•Attend 75% of OA meetings
•Ensure troop is informed of OA events and news on website
•Maintain TroopMaster site with OA membership
• Assist OA members in gaining their Brotherhood membership
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
As troop webmaster, I will improve communication in the troop:
• Maintain a usable information site for use by scouts, parents, and interested boys
• Create sign-up forms for events on website
• Publish calendar, permission forms, news, and other information
• Publish documents, forms, and information requested by troop leaders
• Keep troop information up to date and published in a timely manner
• Train and assist other scouts in troop positions with maintaining their areas
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
Den Chief
As den chief, I will promote Boy Scouting to Cub Scouts:
• Attend minimum of 75% of den meetings of the assigned den
• Help the den leader in teaching skills and managing the den
• Assist Cub Scouts in earning their Webelos badge and Arrow of Light
• Encourage Cub Scouts to continue on to Boy Scouts
• Submit a report to ASPL or Scoutmaster from the den leader about my accomplishments Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
As instructor, I will increase the skill level of my troop:
• Instruct at least 6 different Scouting skills to the troop; track my accomplishments
• Prepare my presentations well in advance to ensure success
• Assist scouts in reinforcing skills who have achieved their 1st Class scouting skills requirements
• Be available for assignments from the SPL/ASPL as needed
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months. |
Troop Guide
As troop guide, I will support the new scouts in my troop:
• Lead new scout patrol and provide direction, coaching, and support to new scouts to strengthen their patrol and my troop
• Help all scouts in my charge advance to the rank of 1st Class
• Organize new scout patrol meetings
• Participate in at least 4 PLC meetings with new scout patrol leader(s)
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months |
Leave No Trace Trainer
As Leave No Trace Trainer, I will support the scouts in my troop:
•The Leave No Trace Trainer teaches troop and patrol members the principles of Leave No Trace
• Improves Scouts’ outdoor ethics decision making skills
• Helps the troop and patrol to prevent avoidable impacts and minimize unavoidable impacts from their use of the outdoors.
• Wear my uniform correctly, set a good example, practice the Scout Oath and Law
• Fulfill the requirements of this position for 6 months |