Our scouts have an opportunity to practice their civic duty and engage with local government through the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council. Our latest Eagle candidate Max Cook participated in this earlier this year with a positive experience. Here is the information: Mayor Walters has announced that he is now accepting applications for the…
Next weekend spaghetti dinner
Spaghetti dinner during the campout for hunger so sign up for the campout Mr Lewis hopes most scouts sign up so sign up today.
Cleaning the Sleds
We are cleaning the sleds for the Klondike to win and we do not want last year’s mud but this year’s mud.
The New Dishwashing Stands
The boys have built two dishwasher stands for we have no good way to wash dishes now. The boys have built a camp gadget to help us with dish issues.
MB Challenge 2017
Scouts attended the 269 Merit Badge Challenge today in Aurora. We had 15 Scouts working on over 45 Merit Badges from Citizenship in the World to Crime Prevention. The Scouts work on the Badges over the next 90 days. This a great opportunity to earn some of those hard to earn Eagle Required MB.
Max Cook’s Eagle Project
A group of scouts, including scouts from neighboring troops helped Max Cook complete his project at Water Works park. The project involved supplies from the city of Cuyahoga Falls as well as digging up dirt to place the foundation for a horseshoe pit. After the trenches were dug out to be level with the ground,…
Congrats to Steven Neveadomi!
Scout Troop 155 has another Eagle Scout! Steven had his Eagle Court of Honor last Saturday at the church. For his project, he created shelving units for the music room at Woodridge High School. When you see Steven, be sure to congratulate him!
Bored this summer, check out this Parks App
KSU,CVNP and the Cleveland Metroparks have partnered up to build an App to help people navigate the parks and learn about informal science. They are looking for volunteers to test the app. They are asking people to download the app and test out a few adventure tracks. Full instructions are below. Go to http://parkapps.kent.edu and…
CoH & Reed Roast
Tyler Johnson mc’d the last Court of Honor. New Scouts were welcomed to the troop and merit badges were handed out. Many scouts ranked and upcoming changes about the troop were announced. After the CoH, scouts and family attended the Reed Roast. The purpose of the roast was to give Mr. Reed a formal farewell….
Candy Bar sales
Last Saturday, a group of Scouts (Brennan, James, Preston, Jacob & Jesse) sold fundraising candy bars outside of Lowe’s. They earned money for their scout accounts and even earned tip money!