Start up safety meeting. Nice day to ride.
Cycling Merit Badge
Troop 155 started the Cycling Merit Badge with a 10 mile ride. 4 of us were representing trool 155 . With 4 troops doing the cycling merit badge we enjoyed the great weather and riding together.
Eagle Project – Bat Boxes for Conservancy
Malcolm Neitenbach completed a service project for the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Conservancy by building eleven bat boxes for their use. About the CVNP Conservancy We’re driven, as a non-profit organization and friends group, to enrich lives and our communities by inspiring use, appreciation and support of CVNP and ensure its preservation. But it’s more than that. The…
Troop 155 Open Positions
Email if interested in helping The Troop Committee’s primary responsibility is supporting troop leaders in delivering quality program and handling troop administration. The troop committee is responsible for conducting the business of the troop, setting policy, and helping the Scoutmaster and Scouts with the outdoor program and other planned activities. The committee also has the responsibility to…
Campout at Atwater lodge
We had a great time at Camp Butler this past weekend even though it rained and was really muddy. We hiked and went to the museum where we learned all about the history of Camp Manatoc. We also worked on completing more of our rank requirements. In the evenings, we played board games, hung out…
The white elephant
Gifts are piling up and who knows what’s in those gifts we will know shortly.
Campout for Hunger
We have been out at Northminster Church for two bone chilling days taking collections for Cuyahoga Falls Good Neighbors and the Woodbridge Food Pantry! We are excited to say that we collected about 2,000 pounds of food and personal items and we raised over $600.00 dollars to be be given to both charities! Thank you…
Campout for hunger
More signs
Campout for hunger
We are having a little fun telling people about the campout for hunger
Campout for hunger
We are having fun out here for campout for hunger