Congratulations to Jimmy at his Eagle Project Dedication Ceremony last Thursday. So now that the project is complete, he will then have to fill out the final project plan workbook. Once that’s submitted to district, then we’ll be able to schedule a Board of Review. The Eagle Board of Review will interview Jimmy, to see…
2nd Day of Canoeing Pt 2
We had a busy afternoon. After 3 meetings to practice and even having a real engineer helping out today, the scouts still could not launch a proper water balloon. The end may not have been as satisfying as the journey with this gadget. The Cub Scouts really got to look up to the Boy Scout,…
Canoe Collage
Day 2 of Camp
Had a great time canoeing. Plenty of swamped canoes, some multiple times. At the end of the trip was a really cool plaza that had a bike shop and an ice cream shop. Coming back to camp, we had a quick lunch and now the boys are playing. Most are in the river, practicing the…
Live Blogging from Canoe Camp
What a great site, this place is great. We are located right next to the Tuscarawas River at the 3 mile mark of our 6 mile canoe trip tomorrow. The boys are excited for advancing to Tenderfoot and have already started teaching with the EDGE method for the square knot to the cub scouts. This…
Scouting News – 08/23
CANOE CAMP: Click here for map Liability forms– we can turn them in as a group and some will be available at camp. The form is also attached to this email. Activity- We will be building the water balloon catapults, make sure to refresh yourselves on lashings For Tenderfoot, Using the EDGE method, you need…
Austin’s Eagle Project
Austin wants to thank everyone who came out today to help him. There was a great showing of support from his Troop and friends from school that helped complete Phase 1 of his project ahead of schedule. Today, about 14 participated under Austin’s leadership to dig out a 6′ X 20′ X 7″ hole to…
Eagle Projects Update
As one Eagle Project comes to a close, another one is starting. Jimmy’s Project is having it’s dedication at the Woodridge Intermediate School this Thursday at 6:00 pm during the Open House. Please come out to support Jimmy as he shows off his hard work. Austin is starting the execution phase of his project this…
Jacob and Logan Train Patrol Leaders
Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
The Pasta Dinner fundraiser is Monday, September 10 at Sarah’s Vineyard. Please begin to invite family and friends to our event. A flyer about the event is attached. Advance reservations and payment is recommended to ensure seating. A reservation form is at the bottom of the attached flyer. Also, volunteers will be needed…