December 19th, 2015 – At the OA banquet there were patches, prizes, food and awards. Michael got a plaque for going to sea base with the OA program. Sam and Evan cleaned up on door prizes. There were 6 vigil candidates recognized. There were 7 scouts and 3 adults from our troop. Everybody had fun.
White Elephant
The White Elephant gift exchange held during the last meeting was a pleasant experience for everyone. Random gifts were exchanged and some scouts went home with toilet paper and candy as a reminder of the event. Only the boys who opted not to wear an ugly Christmas sweater had to wear class A’s and push…
Sky Zone
The Boy Scout Troop 155 took a break from conventional activities to experience an exciting time at Sky Zone. The Troop enjoyed the possibilities of the activities that were available; dodgeball, free jump, basketball, etc. The boys had a blast playing against each other in dodgeball, as well as a fun match playing with the…
Klondike Camp Out Sign-Up
The theme of the 2016 Klondike is The Cold War. You can choose to represent the Red or Blue faction. There will be a new sled this year, we will decorate it according to our faction. It is January 29-31st at Camp Butler. Your patrol will compete in a series of events where your faction…
Sky Zone Details
Just a reminder about our trip to Sky Zone. If you are going to be going to Sky Zone this Saturday, here are some additional information for you. Please try to arrive around 11:00. That way we can get everybody checked in and can get into the trampolines by 11:30. Make sure that you have…
UPDATE: Troop 155 Can Food Drive
UPDATE: The scouts collected 20 grocery carts and $450 that was donated on Tuesday to the organizations listed below. Thanks to the 300 hours of community service provided by the troop this past weekend. And special thanks to Mr. Lewis for his hard work and dedication to this event. Boy Scout Troop 155 would like…
Scout Leadership Training
Training for leadership positions will take place in 3 sessions: November 29, 2015 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm, December 13, 2015 from 5:30 pm to 7 pm, January 3, 2016 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. You must attend all 3 in order to receive your official “Trained” patch. Each training will be at…
Troop Leadership Training
This Sunday will begin a 3 session training workshop called Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops. This training is to define and set foundations on basic troop leadership for youth. The scouts listed below are expected to attend as those who complete all three sessions will earn their Trained Patch for their uniform, as well…
Philmont Shakedown Begins
On Thanksgiving, some of the scouts going to Philmont met at Kendall Hills for a 3 mi. hike with packs. We can only hope that the weather in New Mexico in July will be as perfect as the hiking weather was today. Can you see all 6 scouts who hiked?