Sign up NOW…We are planning a canoeing/zip line camp out at Mohican. Right now, we are planning on going out Saturday morning, canoeing on Saturday and zip lining on Sunday. Costs for the 5 mi canoe trip and camp will be $16.00 a scout. We will stay at Mohican Wilderness and right next door is…
Night Tracks
A group of scouts attended Night Tracks at the Cleveland Zoo to earn the Veterinary Medicine merit badge. They learned how to care for sick and injured animals. They were able to see a tiger and giraffe up close and had the chance to touch an armadillo and snake. They also learned about training and…
OA Winter Fellowship
Arrowmen Jacob, Evan and Cameron attended the OA winter fellowship at Kendall Cliffs yesterday. They climbed the rock wall and ate pizza with other members. The next upcoming event is trail work day on April 23.
Welcome 3170
3170 had their Blue & Gold ceremony yesterday. The boys received their Arrow Of Light pins and crossed over. Ayden Lewis, Michael Purchase and Tyler Robinson were recognized as Den Chefs. When you see any of the boys, say hello!
Den Chiefs Recognized at Blue and Gold
Samme, Jonathan, and Matt were called up on stage at the Cub Scout Pack 3171 Blue and Gold banquet. Malcolm and Noah were called out but were no in attendance. In addition, Samme was recognized by his Webelos 2 den that he was the den chief.
Texas Hold-Em at Camp
At Camp Manatoc in the Buena Vista cabin Sat-Mon. We hiked 10 miles today, a 6mi and a 4mi. Temps in the single digits but we all worked up a sweat going up and down the hills. After eating a Philmont lunch and a hearty dinner of rigatoni and meatballs, we are all powering down….
April: Archaeology Merit Badge, April 29-May1 Sign Up
You will have the opportunity to see how these history detectives figure out the when’s, how’s and why’s of the past. With guidance and instruction provided by both professional, as well as dedicated and experienced amateur archaeologists, you will learn about the techniques and tools used to transport oneself back in time, ultimately trying to…
March: Veterinary Science Merit Badge Overnight at Zoo Sign-Up
Sign up for this camp has closed.
Feb: Finish What You Started Camp Sign-Up
This camp is for scouts who want to finish up partial merit badges or First Class Rank. Please sign up that you are interested and we will have info for you for what to prepare on Sunday 02/21. This camp will be in the training center at Camp Butler, so that means full kitchen for…
Max Lyman’s Eagle Court of Honor
On the warmest day in February, Troop 155 welcomed its latest Eagle Scout. Congratulations to the Max and his family for a great celebration of his accomplishment. To a packed sanctuary, Walter led the ceremony which culminated to Max receiving the final recognition of Scoutings highest honor, his Eagle rank. During the ceremony, Max gave…