Select scouts and parents of Troop 155 went to the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico for the ultimate high-adventure experience. The members of the troop had to prepare months in advance to optimize their camping experience at Philmont. The campers created riveting, lifetime memories at the sprawling ranch. Be sure to ask the attending…
Sarah’s Vineyard
Scouts worked four-hour shifts at Sarah’s Vineyard during their Summer Solstice Festival. They sold cold water, lemonade, ice tea and soda at the 155 tent. They walked around and sold drinks from a small cooler to make extra tips! Each boy earned about $50 for their scout accounts! Scouting stories were told by old timers that…
Senator LaRose Visits Camp Manatoc
One of the requirements for First Class rank was met this morning when the scouts met with Senator LaRose [R]. Frank LaRose, representing our 27th District, is an Eagle Scout as well as a member of the executive board for the Great Trail Council. The Senator spoke with the scouts about what he is…
Camp Update: Day 3 Early Morning Edition
I won’t say yesterday was uneventful, but unfortunately HIPAA laws prevent me from saying more. But this morning, the scouts won the retreat banner. This means at dinner tonight at 5:30, the scouts will be lowering the flag at retreat as well as marching. What a treat for the parents for Family night. Bring your…
Camp Update: Day 1
My day started at 5:30 AM when the scouts in the text next door started chatting. I didn’t know I could whisper so loud, or so Mr. Wagner told me. I’m not sure why they were up, I can only guess it was the excitement to go eat breakfast. The official start of the day…
Camp Update: Year of the Cicada
Happy Fathers Day to my fellow dads everywhere. Check in is going well with no issues. The camp leadership has done a great job streamlining the process. The swim tests are over and we have free time now. The trading post is open today, so expect that they will be hugging you on Wednesday with…
Riverfront Concert Trash Clean-up Fundraiser Signups
We are now accepting sign up for volunteers to clean up on Friday August 19th. We will be cleaning up from 6:30 until after midnight. The money will be split evenly between the participants and will go into your scout account. We need 8 scouts and 4 adults. Please sign up now. Loading…
Food Bank Service Hours
Reagan, Jesse, and James volunteered at the Akron Food Bank. They worked with other volunteers to sort pallets of frozen beef, chicken, and pork. The workers sorted 23,000 pounds of meat that will serve 19,000 meals! The boys learned about food safety and took a tour of their facility.
Jonathan Touma’s Tessellation Project
Jonathan Touma spent 10 hours creating an M. C. Escher tessellation floor puzzle for the Woodbridge Library Escher Art Exhibit. He contributed to the Escher Exhibit with hours of voluntary work. The work included tracing, cutting, and painting a three-foot diameter floor tessellation.
Community Service Reminder
Service hours are available at the Akron Food Bank on Saturday, June 11th from 8:30-11:30 am. There are only 9 slots available. Please only sign up your scout if he can participate for all three hours to make it fair for everyone. If you can’t attend, they have opportunities on the 3rd Wednesday of each…