Scouts helped the church with their swiss steak dinner. They directed parking, provided assistance getting food and cleaned up afterwards. The scouts and members of the church had swiss steak alongside green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls, and a variety of deserts. The church was extremely appreciative of the scouts’ service and they allowed the troop…
Camp Tuscazoar – Radio Merit Badge
The troop participated in Camp Tuscazoar’s Pig Gig event this year. Every year, the camp hosts a pig roast fundraiser and offers a merit badge for the scouts to earn. This year was radio merit badge. In addition, Mr. Wagner worked with the first year scouts to have them work on tenderfoot advancement. We will…
Swiss Steak Dinner – Community Service
The host of our Troop, Northminster Presbyterial Church, would like to get some assist from scouts for their annual Swiss Steak Dinner on Friday, September 16th. Ideally we need 8 to 10 scouts plus some adults. Volunteers should be there at 4pm for set up. If you want to volunteer, but can’t be there that…
Sign up for 2nd Annual “Camping Out to End Hunger”
Northminster Presbyterian Church and the Troop is sponsoring a drive to collect non-perishable food and personal hygiene items on November 11-13th at the church. The scouts will camp out in front of the church for 48 hours continuously collecting donations as contributors “drive thru” and drop off goods to fill the troop’s tents. Donations will…
2nd Annual “Camp to End Hunger” Sign-Up
Northminster Presbyterian Church and the Troop is sponsoring a drive to collect non-perishable food and personal hygiene items on November 11-13th at the church. The scouts will camp out in front of the church for 48 hours continuously collecting donations as contributors “drive thru” and drop off goods to fill the troop’s tents. Donations will…
Stories from the Trail: Backpacking Minister Creek, PA
Troop 155, with support from Modern Woodmen, was able to invest in backpacking gear. The troop purchased 8 backpacks and lightweight tents. This past weekend, our investment paid off as we had 10 first time backpackers attend this trip. The trip started off Friday night, stopping at our traditional visit to the Oil City McDonalds….
Pig Gig – Radio Merit Badge Sign Up
Shooting Sports Camp Sign- Up 08/19 – 08/21
Planning Meeting
Last weekend the troop had their annual planning meeting at the Sterling’s house. Outings were planned for each month through the end of next summer. The troop scribe, Preston, took good notes. After lunch, the scouts played basketball and swam. Be sure to check the 155 calendar for events.
Troop 155 Leadership Positions and Elections
The scouts of troop 155 elected leadership positions for rank and other obligations. The rankings and holders are as follows: Chaplains Aide: Andy Muha and Noah Samerdak Webmaster: Will Bowers Order of the Arrow Representative: Evan Wagner Troop Guide: Tyler Robinson, Enzo Lewis-Baranyia, and Ayden Lewis Scribe: Preston Becker Historian: Cameron King Quartermaster: To be…