On February 5th, the Troop participated in the National Scout Sunday, at the Northminster Presbyterian Church. The Boy Scouts of America annually celebrates its founding on February 8, 1910, based on the program started by Lord Baden Powell in England on August 1, 1907. Scout Sunday was added to the Scout celebration in the middle…
Author: Scoutmaster
Eagle Candidates: Andy and Greg
The troop would like to officially announce that Andy Muha and Greg Muha have completed their Eagle Board of Review. This means that there has been an official recommendation to the National Boy Scouts that both of these boys be granted the rank of Eagle for all of their accomplishments. Please join us in congratulating…
Merit Badge: Disabilities Awareness 04/22
The Great Trail Council is offering a merit badge course on Disablity Awareness. It will last 4 hours in the morning of April 22nd. It is hosted at the Goodwill Service Center in Akron. There are a couple of pre-requirements listed on the brochure so take a look and sign up.
Winter OA Lodge Fellowship
For the OA members of the troop, there is the Winter Fellowship coming up on 03/11 at Kendall Cliffs. It’s a one day event. There will be rock climbing,pizza and meeting other Arrowmen. The cost is $25 to cover all the festivities and activities.
Buffalo Navel Yard Encampment Sign-up
On April 22, the troop will be hosting a visit to the Buffalo Navel Yard to encamp on a battleship. This is an event that we have done in the past that had a great response. During the Annual Planning Committee, many of the scouts said they wanted to do it again. We leave Saturday…
February Camp Sign Up
November Signup for Campout
This campout will be used for the Klondike in January. We will be practicing our games as well as figuring out the layout needed for the camp. It is abbreviated for only Saturday and Sunday, no Friday night due to sports. Loading…
On-Line Popcorn Turn-In
In effort to help with popcorn turn-in to Mrs. Hickman, we have an on-line form for you to enter your totals. Please fill out the form below with your prize selection by October 23rd. Loading…
Camp Tuscazoar – Radio Merit Badge
The troop participated in Camp Tuscazoar’s Pig Gig event this year. Every year, the camp hosts a pig roast fundraiser and offers a merit badge for the scouts to earn. This year was radio merit badge. In addition, Mr. Wagner worked with the first year scouts to have them work on tenderfoot advancement. We will…
Swiss Steak Dinner – Community Service
The host of our Troop, Northminster Presbyterial Church, would like to get some assist from scouts for their annual Swiss Steak Dinner on Friday, September 16th. Ideally we need 8 to 10 scouts plus some adults. Volunteers should be there at 4pm for set up. If you want to volunteer, but can’t be there that…