High Points: • Mile Swim – Tommy and Max L. completed the 26 laps of the pool. Nathan tried to come back for a repeat of last year’s performance but was pulled from the event due to a cramp. • 12 boys hiked 5 miles today on the yellow trail. Here is a group shot…
Author: Scoutmaster
Starting the Morning
Waking up today took a lot longer than yesterday, but the good news I going to bed was a lot easier last night. Here is what the crew looked like this morning with the retreat banner before we handed it off this morning.
Wrap up of Mon 06/18
Well, the rain turned out to be our enemy today. It reared it’s ugly head right as we were getting prepared to start retreat. Jacob worked long and hard to get the boys prepared for the retreat. He took them after lunch to the parade field and lowered and raised the 34′ American Flag 3-4…
Happy Birthday to Ben
A tradition at Camp Manatoc is that scout who have a birthday at camp have to kiss the moose. Here is Ben upholding that tradition Happy 13th Birthday Ben. Your browser does not support the video tag
Troop 155 gets Honored with Retreat Banner
We got a great surprise today. The scouts won the retreat banner. That means they get to lead grace before each meal and raise and lower the flag. Here are pictures of the flag raising.
Rise and Shine
Camp Begins
Here we are in the campfire council fire ring for Vespers. What a great day. We could not possibly have more fun. Here are some highlights: • Jacob and Logan have been Rock Stars for the way they are leading the Troop. I could not be prouder for the way they have stepped up their…
Adventurers of NYLT
Summer Activities – Sign Up
Jimmy’s Eagle Project takes Shape
The project gets started… And now it’s time for a break… Still beak time…