Author: Scoutmaster
06/22 Update
Highlights from the last day at camp • The scouts worked really hard to finish all their merit badges. Special note I am really proud of Ben, he worked non-stop to complete this forestry badge. • Swimmer Groups- several boys tested at a lower level at the beginning of the week and improved one level….
Thanks to Volunteers
Thanks to Roberta for leading the charge for this fundraiser and running it while I sit in a lawn chair at camp putzing on my iPhone.
Reeding Out
Reeding Out – [ree-ding out] verb to reach your micro-managing limit and to temporarily bark orders to regain illusion of control, especially prevelant in Scoutmasters who are mildly to moderately tired.
Circle of Death
As part of Lifesaving Merit Badge, the scouts have to tread water for 30 minutes as they one by one are tested. They are called individually to save an active victim from drowning. It’s less of a heroic activity as it is a blood sport to try to take down the “saver” by the “savee”.
Camp Life
06/21 Wrap Up
Lots happening tonight: • Scouts are trying to get merit badges finished. They are going to Open Climb to finish Climbing Merit Badge, Open Swim to improve swimming skills, open shooting to finish Rifle Shooting and Archery Merit Badge. • For Wilderness Survival, Steven N. built a shelter and is sleeping in the woods. As…
Troop Photo
This is the troop photo taken on Sunday. I have a copy for each family. The cost of the photo (from a real photographer, not me), is $6.00. Please pay Tom Cook.
06/20 Wrap Up – Family Night
How awesome was the boys marching tonight? They really take pride in their troop and it shows in their actions. Here are some highlights: • Robert kissed the moose for his birthday. Michael McMathers, Tate Elderly, and Walter Steerling, for the Order of the Arrow participated in Call outs. • The boys love to play…