Author: Scoutmaster
Troop Elections
Congratulations to the new Troop Leadership: SPL: Jacob M. ASPL: Tommy Muha Patrol Leaders: Zach C., Cameron K., Max C., Greg M. (Screaming Gophers have not voted yet) Scribe: Andy M. Quartermaster: Max C. Historian: Tate E. Chaplain’s Aide: Max L. Troop Guide: Michael M. Webmaster: Steven N. & Evan S. Leave No Trace trainer:…
Community service At United Disibilities Services Camp
Thanks to everyone who came out to the United Disabilities Services Camp. The scouts arrived and were promptly put to work. While Nathan, Codey, Steven and Max cleaned the dining hall, Austin, Jesse, and Ayden went to help with crafts, and Walter and Owen helped to carve Pumpkins. After helping to serve dinner, we went…
Zip line Trip Video
Summer Camp Memories Video
Court Of Honor
Yes, the photos above are from the Troop’s latest purchase from the Scout Shop today. (thank you Bridget) Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Northampton United Methodist Church on Sunday at 4pm in the Gymnasium.
Pig Gig / Chemistry MB
Working hard (?) at the Chemistry Merit Badge Requirements. They are currently having a discussion about Fracking. Boy Scouts don’t shy away from the tough issues.
Eagle Project Dedication at WIS
Congratulations to Jimmy at his Eagle Project Dedication Ceremony last Thursday. So now that the project is complete, he will then have to fill out the final project plan workbook. Once that’s submitted to district, then we’ll be able to schedule a Board of Review. The Eagle Board of Review will interview Jimmy, to see…
2nd Day of Canoeing Pt 2
We had a busy afternoon. After 3 meetings to practice and even having a real engineer helping out today, the scouts still could not launch a proper water balloon. The end may not have been as satisfying as the journey with this gadget. The Cub Scouts really got to look up to the Boy Scout,…