No photos tonight. We all finally arrived at the rendezvous (McDonalds), outside of the camp. We then caravaned into the base, and then as soon as we all got on base, we promptly got lost. After finally meeting up at the scout camp, it was almost 5 miles from the gate we entered. The only…
Author: Scoutmaster
Merit Badge Process
Hey Scouters, there has been a lot questions on how the Merit Badge process works. Click on the link Merit Badge Process to see the routine.
Order Scout Camp Uniform Shorts and T-shirts
Court of Honor
Thanks to all the volunteers today that helped out at the Court of Honor. Thanks to the parents that brought dessert, thanks to Mrs. Jankowski for keeping track of the advancement. Thanks to Mrs. Sterling for preparing the drinks and getting the Fellowship Hall ready for the event. Thanks to the best Troop Committee that…
Snow Sports Merit Badge
Thanks to Mrs. Johnson for leading the scouts today for the Snow Sports Merit Badge.
Wow, Have we Grown
This is the first meeting since the three Blue and Gold Cross-over ceremonies where the troop welcomed 15 new scouts. Our numbers have swelled to about 50 scouts, in total. The Leaders and Parents are looking to an action-packed year with a great group of scouts.
Wright Patterson AFB Camp
Gettysburg Trip Interest Form
This is the 150th year anniversary for the historic Battle of Gettysburg. We have reserved a campsite in the National Park on the battlefield for 35 people. We are planning on going July 26 – 28th. We will need to leave early Friday morning, it takes about 6 hours to drive to Gettysburg. We will…
Eagle Court of Honor
Thank you to all who attended the Eagle Ceremony presented by Troop 155 with Mr. And Mrs Conroy and Mr. And Mrs. Reed. Thank you to Tom Blubaugh and Chuck Lewis for the introduction of our scouts, Jimmy and AJ. Thanks to Gary Wyscarver for officiating the ceremony and thanks to all the scouts and…
Wilderness Survival Klondike
Well, these are the conditions that separate the men from the boys. What I mean to say is that, Mr. Rickenbacker and Mr. Reed slept inside while the scouts slept in shelters they made in the woods. The temperature tonight is currently 11 degrees. We had a discussion on how to stay warm. The key…