After the Visitor’s Center, we went to the site of the battle on July 1st, 150 years ago. Here the boys are learning about Gen. Reynolds. He died. Come on Mark, pay attention.
Author: Scoutmaster
Gettysburg Visitors Center
First historic stop of the trip. We made it to the visitors center. Inside, we walked around looking at some relics from the war. You know I can’t lie, the boys spent most of their time and your money in the gift shop.
When History meets Adolescence
Most of us (48 in total) met at the church to start our adventure. Everyone showed up and we left on-time. We are planning to meet up for an early lunch in Breezewood after our leisurely drive. We plan on getting to the camp at 1:30 pm.
Camp Site on Battlefield
Here’s a Google Maps view of our campsite on the Gettysburg Battlefield. It is part of McMillian’s Woods. Little known fact, this same field was used as a World War 2 Prisoner of War Camp from June 1945 to April 1946. It held at one point 932 prisoners, mostly Germans.
Sign Up for Canoeing Merit Badge Camp Out
Geocaching Merit Badge
Mr. Walters will begin teaching the Geocaching merit badge on Sunday, July 14th at 2:00 until the meeting starts at 4:00. We will meet in the outdoor pavilion at the church. All are welcome to attend, both scouts and adults! The plan is to take two meetings to finish the merit badge, with a cache…
Summer Camp Wrap-Up
Last night, the 1-5 year camper ceremonies were held. Because of the ceremonies we were not able to post any updates and we apologize for that. But we were all restricted to the campsite and I could not get a signal to update with. The good news is that our troop won the basketball challenge…
Summer Camp Day 5
Everybody seems to still be having fun and is almost finished or is already finished with their merit badges! There will be some partials, but those should be able to be taken care of pretty quickly. There was a challenge issued to a neighbor troop for a basketball game after lunch tomorrow. We will let…
Family Night at Camp Manatoc
Family night went well, every scout, parent, and sibling seemed to have fun. Many scouts showed their families around camp, and we had a delicious dinner. 5 scouts (the Muha’s, Max Cook, and Steven Neveadomi) were called up for the OA callout. Everyone still seems to be having fun! Thank you to all the families…
Summer Camp: Day 3
The day is closing out on day 3 at camp. Everybody is still having a great time and working hard. Since we had the retreat banner today, we got to take down the American, Ohio and Camp Manatoc flags tonight at retreat. The American flag is really big and took a lot of the guys…