Today was a fantastic day for the scouts. The Troop won the retreat banner. This is given to the troop who marches the best. The troop’s are judged on straightest lines, being in step, dressed appropriately. The reward for winning is saying Grace at each meal, raising and lowering the flags and being able to…
Author: Scoutmaster
Monday Wrap Up
Merit Badges started today. The scouts quickly scattered to the wind after breakfast. For those who didn’t have a full merit badge schedule, they lounged around camp until they realized, from not so subtle hints from the leaders, that they are expected to do chores around camp. Then they scattered to the four winds as…
Morning at Camp
At the pre-crack of dawn (5:30), most of the troop woke to the sound of gentle rain fall on our tents. It only lasted a couple of minutes but was enough to soak any left out chairs or clothes. Walter, taking spectacular leadership, got the troop up. Unfortunately, it was 1 hr. 45 minutes before…
Summer Camp Begins
Wow, did we luck out with the beautiful start to a fantastic Camp Week. Check-In wasn’t without some snags but due to all the prep these past two weeks, it was very slight compared to years past. We got through the swim tests pretty quickly and were able to go to the Trading Post for…
Fishing for Community Service
Sign up now for a rare opportunity to fish at Munroe Falls swim lake. This is a unique community service project open only to members of Troop 155! Bring your poles, fishing gear, bait and a bucket to hold the fish. Only BARBLESS hooks will be allowed (if you can’t find barbless hooks, clip off…
Help needed for Day Camp
Are you a scout that doesn’t want summer camp to end? Then I have an offer for you! The Cub Scout Day Camp needs scouts to come and assist at camp as youth staff. Scouts need to be 14 years old and of Star rank. Younger scouts CAN participate as junior staff, but a parent…
Memorial Day Parades
On Monday we had two parades to march in. Some of our scouts came out and we marched in the Peninsula and Boston Township parades. Thanks to all who came out to march and to the parents that helped out.
Hiking Merit Badge pictures
Last Saturday, a group of brave scouts took to the trails to start working on their Hiking merit badge. We walked the OA trail that begins in Camp Butler, winds through the northern section of the camp (the original Camp Manatoc) and into Peninsula. There in Peninsula, we found a friend in Thomas the Tank…
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are still needed for TONIGHT at the Crown Point Annual Plant Sale. All volunteer time counts toward your rank advancement and helps the community. Please contact Mrs. Cook at 330-730-1557 or at [email protected] Please help us out.
Buffalo trip sign-up