Michael, Walter and Max made the drive to The Summit, the National High Adventure Scout Camp. The Summit has a great program for scouts, including white water rafting, zip lines, a full skate park, mountain biking and mountain boarding. The Summit is located in the heart of West Virginia. The scouts are going for a…
Author: Scoutmaster
Closing out the Trip
We woke to falling rain at 6am. Not bad considering several scouts did put up a rain fly last night. Breaking camp with a pop tart in our belly, we set off at 7:30. We canoed like nobody’s business this morning. We paddled past Oil City and the rain started to pour. It didn’t last…
Day Three of Allegheny Canoe Trip
We had another beautiful day on the river. We even got to spend some time in a small town in Tionesta, PA. I can’t believe it is almost over, the time went so quickly. Let me list some of the cool things we did today: • a canoe almost capsized on a rock • we…
Day 2 Update
We are all in good spirits. We had a great night last night. We bushwhacked on a primitive primordial island. We kept looking around for Velociraptors. No rain and a full moon. It was fantastic. Jacob and Logan have been treating us well feeding us as they are working on their cooking merit badge. We…
Allegheny Canoe Trip Begins
We made it to the livery in good time, less than two hours. We are unpacked and ready to load up. We are being transported 50 miles up river to begin our journey. Don’t expect much of a signal, so we’ll update in 4 days.
Logan’s Eagle Project
Last weekend, Logan completed his Eagle project, constructing a shed at the WHS football field. Congratulations to him.
Happy Independence Day
Troop 155 would like to wish everybody a happy and safe 4th of July. And thank you to all service men and women who have made our freedom possible.
Metroparks Community Service
Today was a wonderful day of fishing for the families of scouts William Davis, Evan Wagner, Walter Sterling, Jacob Carleton and Evan Shannon. The weather was beautiful at Munroe Falls Lake and as we arrived we were greeted by the sight of wild turkeys, including a tom in full display! Munroe Falls Lake is part…
Camp Star Profile
Congratulations to Walter for earning First Place in the Scout Archery Shoot this year. He also swam a mile, earning a Mile Swim Patch.
Day 4 Update
Well, I want to say congratulations to all the parents who left weepy scouts yesterday. Regardless of what they tell you on Saturday, they all are having a great time and no one is complaining. Today, the scouts participated in Shooting completions, troop swim, 5 mile hike, wilderness survival overnighter, Brave-Chief-Spirit Cairn Hunt and Overnighter,…