Tonight we had another Court of Honor. Owen Cook did a fine job as emcee and we had lots of fun watching video highlights of summer camp. Our plans for the next year of scouting was announced along with various camping and volunteer opportunities. Their were also lots of merit badges given out and one…
Author: Scoutmaster
Brian’s Eagle Board of Review
Last Wednesday, Brian Cooper successfully passed his Eagle Board of Review. This means that barring any unforeseen issues with National Council (we don’t expect any), Brian will become an Eagle Scout. I remember Brian when I started working with him back in Cub Scouts. This has even a long time coming for him in his…
Chase’s Eagle Project
Last Friday, Chase and his project team completed physical construction of his Eagle Project. He developed and managed a team to build an outdoor classroom. The Troop gives a hearty congratulations to him for his hard work.
UDS Camp Program
Backpacking Sign Ups
More Mammoth Cave photos
This past weekend our troop went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. We went on three different tours of the cave, but only saw a very small portion of the entire cave (which is now over 400 miles long!). We learned some of the history of the caves. Some of us stayed at the campground nearby…
Mammoth Caves Family Camp
Wow, I am starting to get photos from the trip and it looks like it was a great trip. The turn-out was fantastic, total of 72 from out Scout Family.
UDS Community Service
Thanks to the volunteers who participated in the United Disabilities Services community service on July 30th. The scouts put on a great program presenting scout skills and a skit program.
Walter’s Eagle Prohect
Congratulations to Walter and his project team for completing the construction phase of his Eagle Project. The project was completed on July 31st. He developed, with the Primary School, a safe play area for children with autism.
Troop 155 OA Scouts at The Summit
– By Walter Sterling The OA Summit Experience was incredible. The 4 days of labor was exhausting and long, yet very fun. We all learned a lot about how to build a trail. The whole trip had very crazy weather, mostly thunderstorms every night that shook the tents! Then came the 2 amazing days of…