Author: Scoutmaster
Buffalo Navel Park/Niagara Falls Trip
After polling the boys, it appears that this trip was adequately fun. They had a great time exploring the two ships and a submarine. The Buffalo Navel Park is located on the Niagara River about 3.5 hours from home. It is located in a burgeoning riverfront property in the city. We checked the the Navel…
Tips to staying warm in Winter
I pulled this graphic off of Pinterest.
Jacob’s Eagle Board of Review
The Troop is pleased to announce that Jacob passed his Eagle Board of Review tonight. This is the Troop’s fourth Eagle Scout Board of Review of 2014. Jacob passed with flying colors, as has every other Eagle Scout candidate. We look forward to celebrating his Court of Honor early next year. .
Service hours available
Scouts needing service hours can contact Mrs. Walters at [email protected], If they are interested in helping with setup or cleanup of the Walters family’s Relay for Life team Shop for a Cure event on Sat, November 15th. Setup will be on Friday, November 14th from 7pm to 9pm, and Saturday, November 15th from 7am to…
Michael’s Eagle Board of Review
Congratulations are in order for our newest Eagle Candidate. Michael passed his Board of Review tonight, making the 4th Eagle this year for the troop so far. Great job to Michael for this great achievement.
Caveman Camp Sign-up
Brian’s Eagle Court of Honor
Today was Brian Cooper’s Eagle Court of Honor. We have all been very proud of Brian, and have helped him through his journey through Scouting. Many of the scouts in the troop were present, and the ceremony was very well set up by Mr. Reed. All of us in the troop wish Brian the best…
Chase’s Eagle Board of Review
Congratulations are in order for Chase, as he passed his Eagle Board of Review this evening. The troop is very proud of his accomplishments. Details regarding his and many other of the Troop Eagle Candidates will be forthcoming.
Camporee Z
This weekend, a lot of the Troop went to Camp Butler to participate in “Camporee Z”, a zombie themed campout. There were lots of activities throughout Saturday morning and afternoon, including a camp wide game of Capture The Flag. Jacob Mauk and Tyler Johnson were our “tamed” zombies, and participated in multiple zombie only activities….