June 29, 2016 Cimarron, New Mexico Whenever someone who knows scouting hears that you’re a scout, they invariably ask two questions. Did you make Eagle? And did you go to Philmont? Well here’s some great news! Mr. Sterling has recently received confirmation from the Philmont Scout Ranch that our troop has been selected for…
Author: Scoutmaster
The Christmas Party
Last night was the annual Christmas Party, and everybody had fun. There was pizza and cookies for all to enjoy. The (annual?) karaoke competition didn’t have a clear winner, although Jacob Mauk singing “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch” was particularly good. The White Elephant Gift exchange was especially fun this year, still full of…
Troop Christmas Party 12/21
Make sure not to miss the Troop Christmas Party today at 4pm. The patrol leaders have lots of fun planned along with pizza, cookies and punch. We will be having our annual White Elephant gift exchange. This is where the scouts bring in a used, cool, item from their house, valued less than $20 in…
The Blockwood Derby
Tonight was the First Blockwood Derby, our version of a Pinewood Derby, an event from Cub Scouts. The race doesn’t have a declared winner, but the thought winner is John Touma, so be sure to congratulate him. All the scouts spent lots of time making the cars, and they were very impressive. Every single scout…
Fun at Laser Quest
Tonight some of the troop went to Laser Quest and we all had a lot of fun. We played 2 games of 20 minutes each and had pizza and snacks in between games. A few of us even became members afterward so we can go back and play some more. Thanks to all who came…
Still time to sign up for Laser Quest!
There is still time to sign up for our trip to Laser Quest on Saturday, December 13th. See the sign up form in the posts below and get your name in. We only have space for 35 people, so make sure you are one of them!
Eagle Court of Honor
Today, Walter Sterling and Chase Edwards held their Eagle Court of Honor. They are proud of their new rank, and everyone is proud of them. The service was very respectful, with speeches from Chase’s brothers, and from Walter’s grandfather. It also included speeches from Walter and Chase themselves, and then descriptions of what the Scout…
Tommy’s Eagle Project
This weekend, Tommy led his project to completion. He decided to build a information kiosk and bench for Camp Christopher in Bath, Oh. He would like to thank the scouts and adults who helped him with his project. The weather was a little precarious which caused some delays. The weather was icy which delayed the…
Logan Successfully Passes His Eagle Board of Review
The troop would like to congratulate Logan on successfully passing his Eagle Rank Board of Review. Logan’s Eagle Project was building a multi-purpose storage shed for the Woodridge High School football stadium. The shed will be used to store and protect needed equipment for the football, track/field, soccer, and softball teams. Congratulations to Logan and…
Service hours needed? We can help!
We are still in need of help this coming Friday and Saturday for our Relay for Life Shop for a Cure event. This is a great way for scouts to earn some service hours if they need them. Scouts- Friday night 7-9 and Sat am 7-9– set up both times. Sat afternoon 3-5. Fri and…