The MOE district Cub Scout Day Camp is still looking for volunteers for the upcoming camp July 5th-11th. Both adult and youth are needed. Youth staff needs to be 14 years old and a First Class rank to stay on-site without an adult. Volunteers can earn over 50 service hours by staying all week. This…
Author: Scoutmaster
Welding Merit Badge
For those Scouts and parents that signed up for the Welding merit badge that will be done the weekend of April 24-26, there will meetings after the regular Troop meetings on Sunday the 12th and Sunday the 19th. These meetings will be to go over the prerequisite work that needs to be done before the…
Day 5 of Backpack trip to Laurel Highlands
Well, the short story is we made it. Not sure which day as the hardest. Friday, which was 8 mi., we crossed a icy glacier at Seven Spings Ski resort, avoiding perplexed snowboarder in a man made fog. Sunday, which was 12 mi., was .. um.. 12 miles. Monday, which was 7 mi., had…
Day 1 of Easter Backpacking in Laurel  Highlands
We arrived in OhioPyle around 7:45 to meet our transportation that will drive us 30 mi. north. We were dropped off at mile marker 30 and proceeded to hike 2 mi. south to reach our first campsite. From the photo, you can see we are staying in Andorondaks. They are open in the front…
Japanese Knotweed link
Here is the link for more information about the Japanese Knotweed mentioned in the post below:
Whitewater Rafting Trip Signup
Eagle Court of Honor
Today we had 2 scouts advance to Eagle rank. Jacob Mauk and Logan Stockton advanced, and everybody is very proud of them. There was a reception afterwards, and the guests had a great time. The Sanctuary was so full of guests, we had to set up extra chairs! Make sure to congratulate our two newest…
Candy bar fundraiser- Good news!
Candy bars were delivered earlier than promised and are now in! Therefore, anyone may pick up candy bars on Sunday. Please remember that money must be turned in before more cases can be checked out. Only one case can be checked out at first, after the first case is sold two may be checked out…
Backpacking Easter Weekend
**What it is** Thursday, April 2nd – Monday, April 6th This backpacking trip is for the serious backpacker only! It will be more days (5) and more nights (4) and more miles (around 40) than many previous trips we have done. It is STRONGLY advised that only Scouts with previous backpacking experience participate in this…
Candy Bar Fundraiser Update
Numerous families picked up candy bars tonight. Another candy bar order is being placed but delivery will be next week. There are 10 boxes remaining. PLEASE EMAIL MRS. WALTERS AT [email protected] TO RESERVE A BOX PRIOR TO SUNDAY’S MEETING. There is a new parents meeting prior to the Eagle COH and unreserved boxes will be…