Author: Scoutmaster
Summer Camp Information
Here are a couple of MUST DOs to get ready for Summer Camp on 06/21. #1. Health Form – Parts A, B, and C must be filled out. This means you need a doctor’s signature. The link to the health form is located on the troop website at www.scouttroop155.org. Click on the link on the right side…
Memorial Day Parades
Today kids from the troop marched in both the Peninsula and Boston Township Memorial Day parades. Parts of the troop weren’t marching with the troop, but the Woodridge Marching Band. We all had fun, even though we had to march the whole time.
Congratulations to Tommy Muha!
The Troop would like to congratulate Tommy Muha for successfully completing his Eagle Board of Review last month. We are told he did very well and impressed the BOH! Tommy built an information kiosk and a bench at Camp Christopher for his Eagle project. We all look forward to celebrating his accomplishment with him at…
Walmart Candy Sales
For those of you that have signed up for the Walmart candy bar sale this weekend, an email has been sent to you. Please check your email and respond as needed. Thank you.
Last Call for Walmart Candy Bar Sales
Candy Bar sale schedule will be finalized on Tuesday evening. Anybody who wants to participate must email Mrs. Walters at: [email protected]. If you want to participate, but there is some reason you cannot commit to a specific time by Tuesday evening, you still must contact Mrs. Walters by then to make arrangements.
Ad Altare Dei Court of Honor
Congratulations to the 7 Scouts of Troop 155 who received their Ad Altare Dei awards Sunday night at St. John’s cathedral in Cleveland. Kyle Grebb, Andy Muha, Greg Muha, Spencer Buzzelli, Samme Bergdorf, Nathan Craig and Eric Walters all worked very hard over the past year to earn this religious medal. The Ad Altare Dei…
Welding Merit Badge
Today, Scouts from the Troop earned their Welding Merit Badge. We went out to Morrison Custom Welding Shop, where Mr. Samerdak works. The scouts made small initial plates, where they welded two plates to each other to make a base and then welding a plate with their initials on it to the base. Gabe and…
We have a few updates tonight. The first is about the Walmart candy bar sale on May 2. Those who did not sign up at the meeting today need to email Mrs. Walters at [email protected]. One hour slots are available beginning at 9 AM. Anybody wishing to sign up for a second hour should also…
Wal-Mart candy bar sales
Walmart candy bar sales will be on May 2. Mrs. Walters will have a sign-up sheet at the meeting tomorrow.