Micheal’s account of the Trip:
We went backpacking. On the first night, when we got there we hiked 2 miles into the forest. While we were setting up Mr. Rickenbacher had to be the first one to start a fire because us kids can’t start a fire according to Mr. Rickenbacher! The next morning we got up and started hiking. We hiked about 4miles and Then we stopped for lunch next to this beautiful stream. A lot of boys put up their hammocks and took a nap. After our little cat nap we started hiking again, about another 4 miles. Then we got to one of the best campsites that I have ever seen. A few boys played in the stream that was next to the campsite. We even made a dam in the stream. It was a lot of fun. In all we hiked about 8-10 miles that day. When we woke up the next morning and got on the trail, all we were thinking about is home and water. The last 1 1/2 miles was the hardest. All n all it was a great and fun camp out.
Walter’s account of the Trip:
The backpacking trip was a success with every scout getting by well and having very little trouble. Scouts hiked a 15 mile loop in two days. Lots of time was spent hiking, talking and joking. A favorite spot was stopping for lunch near the creek where some of the scouts even set up their hammocks for a rest. Mr. Cook cooked a delicious meal fit for a Thanksgiving feast, complete with turkey, stuffing, dried carrots and cranberries. Most scouts spent the nights in their hammocks, but a few used tents. This was some scouts’ first backpacking trip. Even though it was hot, the scouts only complained a little. They had plenty of water due to the nearby creeks and their purification systems. All in all, it was a great trip that was fun for all. We hope to see you again for another trip soon!
Evan’s account of the trip:/strong>
The backpacking trip was fun. We hiked 14.8 miles and drank a lot of water.
For Saturday’s dinner, we had turkey and stuffing.
On Sunday, we walked mostly uphill for 4 or 5 miles.
We came home Sunday afternoon.