Email if interested in helping
The Troop Committee’s primary responsibility is supporting troop leaders in delivering quality program and handling troop administration. The troop committee is responsible for conducting the business of the troop, setting policy, and helping the Scoutmaster and Scouts with the outdoor program and other planned activities. The committee also has the responsibility to provide adults for boards of review. This is an important responsibility and is one area where help is always needed and appreciated. The committee consists of parent volunteers or other adults who fulfill various roles on the committee. The more positions that can be filled by parents, the more the troop can do.
These roles are extremely important for making the Troop a success and for every position filled, the troop can be more successful. These positions (especially the top four listed) are necessary for the continued and future operation of the Troop.
The following positions are currently open or will become open soon and we would like anyone who would like a position to respond to this email and let us know.
Assistant Scoutmaster (the troop can support several)
- An Assistant Scoutmaster is one of the adult leaders age 18 or over who assist the Scoutmaster in delivering the troop program.
- The more assistant scoutmasters a troop has, the more each one can be specialized in a certain area. Areas of specialization include: Equipment and Facilities; High Adventure; Outdoor Program; Program; New Scout Patrol; Patrol Support.
Troop Fundraising Chair
- The fundraising chair is looking for the following people to handle harder to manage fundraisers:
- Popcorn Kernel
- Candy Bar Sales Coordinator
Troop Equipment Coordinator
- The unit equipment coordinator is appointed by the committee chair to work with the youth Quartermaster and is responsible inventory, storage, and maintenance of unit equipment.
Troop Training Chair
- The unit training chair is appointed by the committee chair to ensure training opportunities are available, maintain training records and materials, and is responsible for BSA Youth Protection training.
Troop Friends of Scouting (FOS) Chair
- The unit Friends of Scouting chair is appointed by the committee chair to work closely with the unit committee on public relations for FOS; conducts annual FOS campaign to enroll family members and adult leaders in FOS; gives recognition to contributors and enrollees.
ScoutParent Unit Coordinator
- The ScoutParent Unit Coordinator is an appointed member of the unit committee or can be an assistant unit leader. Their job is to welcome parents, keep them informed, and encourage them to help with at least one specific task or project each year.
New Member Coordinator (NMC)
- The New Member Coordinator is appointed by and reports to the troop committee chair. The role is to welcome youth and their families to the unit and engage with them so that they stay in the unit.
Life-to-Eagle Scout Coordinator
- Meet on a-as-needed basis with Eagle Scout candidates prior to them initiating their Eagle Scout project. This meeting should serve as an idea gathering/planning session to start the Scout working on his project. Review with Eagle Scout candidates their proposal for their project prior to them meeting with the troop committee and the district Eagle Scout board representative.