Service hours are available at the Akron Food Bank on Saturday, June 11th from 8:30-11:30 am. There are only 9 slots available. Please only sign up your scout if he can participate for all three hours to make it fair for everyone. If you can’t attend, they have opportunities on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:00 PM. Mike Harris and I will be the two adults assisting the boys. If anyone told me at the last meeting they would like to sign up, you need to follow the instructions below and register on your own since I can not register anyone outside of my family.
To register:
1. Complete an online application ( to create a volunteer account. If you have already completed an application, go to step 2. Note: Minimum age is 10.
Log in to the Volunteer Information Center to sign up with Troop 155 on the 11th.
Foodbank Info:
The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank is located at 350 Opportunity Pkwy, Akron, OH 44307. Get Directions.
When you arrive, please use visitor parking, either in front of the building or in the Dart Avenue lot. You may use the main entrance or the side, Visitor entrance. You may also enter/park in SHIPPING & RECEIVING – gate will be open
What to wear:
It’s best to dress in layers. The weather outside effects the temperature inside our warehouse.
Safety is the priority! Please note that open-toed shoes and jewelry are not permitted in the warehouse when handling food. Comfortable shoes are recommended as you may be on your feet the entire time.
Class B shirts.
Volunteer project:
Volunteer projects are based on the daily needs of the Foodbank. The time you give sorting and inspecting food donations, labeling product for repackaging, or packaging bulk items helps them provide 84,000 meals to people struggling with hunger in our community, each and every day!
If anyone has questions, they can reach out to me at 330.690.7167 or [email protected].
Thank you.