I’m sorry to all of you, I meant to include this in my earlier Summer Camp’s End post, but forgot. We had a variety of awards and achievements in the troop during summer camp, and here they are.
First of all, we had the OA Brotherhood ceremony on Tuesday. We had five people in the Troop earn their Brotherhood rank, being Nathan Craig, Samme Bergdorf, Evan Shannon, Aydan Lewis, and Evan Wagner.
Next we had the Mile Swim on Tuesday, and Kyle Grebb, Jacob Carleton, and Walter Sterling all completed that.
The Brave/Chief/Spirit program took place all week and was awarded on Friday. Malcolm Neitenbach, Evan Wagner, and Mr. Wagner all completed the second rank, Chief, and Mr. Walters completed Cairn Master, the fourth and highest rank in the program.
We here at 155 would like to congratulate all that participated in these activities and thank them for being such great representatives of the Troop!