We have a few updates tonight. The first is about the Walmart candy bar sale on May 2. Those who did not sign up at the meeting today need to email Mrs. Walters at [email protected]. One hour slots are available beginning at 9 AM. Anybody wishing to sign up for a second hour should also send an email to Mrs. Walters. Adults are also needed to help.
The second is about the Welding merit badge. The scouts no longer need to cook lunch, but do still need to cook breakfast. Instead of cooking lunch Saturday, they will need to bring money for pizza. It may also be helpful if the scouts bring a Welding merit badge book with them. If you don’t already have one, a link to a PDF of it’s right here: https://www.dropbox.com/l/5CqyCDEJ8qUegqw4IsKOOp Please make sure that the scouts have these things with them on Saturday.