It’s Candy Bar Fundraiser Time! Candy bars will be here Wednesday and you can contact Mrs Walters to pick them up and start selling! Please read her message carefully– there’s a couple changes because candy prices went up!!
We are again selling Harry London candy bars as a fundraiser. This is a voluntary fundraiser and all money raised goes in the scout’s individual scout account. Candy Bars come in a case of 48 bars- assorted packs with 12 each of Crisp, Almond, Buckeyes and Mint. You may sign out one case to begin and when you return the money you may sign out more. Once you sign out a case of candy you cannot return the candy, you must return the money for it.
Here’s the change this year. Harry London (and all chocolate providers) raised prices. We used to pay 50 cents, sell them for $1 and make 50 cents. This year the bars are costing us 62 cents each. Therefore, selling them at $1 you make only 38 cents, or $18.24 per case. It is your choice if you want to try to sell them for more money or just sell more candy bars. I think you will be better off selling at $1, because people are more likely to buy. Whatever you do, I will credit your account with anything beyond the cost of the candy.
Contact Mrs Walters at [email protected] or 330-926-0193 with questions or to arrange pick up.