8/13-8/14 T-2-1 Camp Out:
Meet at 8am at the Moose Club on Saturday.
This camp out if specifically for boys who have not earned 1st Class yet. This will solely focus on getting the younger scouts rank advancement. Older scouts are needed to teach and as a thank you bonus, they get to sleep inside house.
The following are signed up to come. WE NEED ONE MORE PARENT TO DRIVE TO AND FROM BOWERSTON, OH (60 MILES OR 1H 30 MIN DRIVE):
Ben Samerdak – Need an updated health form
Colin Batu
David Booth
Max Cook
Nathan Craig
Tate Eberle
Max Lyman
Michael McPherson
Walter Sterling
Jacob Wagner
AJ Reed
In addition to normal stuff to bring on a camp out, bring these items:
- Mess Kit including cup and silverware
- Hiking boots
- Long pants
- Scout book
- Compass
- Personal First Aid kit – Requirement for 2nd Class
8/16 @ 7:30 – Practice for Eagle COH:–
Meet at Peninsula Town Hall (Garage). All scouts are needed. There are speaking parts and we need to go over the flow and there is a bit of ceremony that needs to be rehearsed for all scouts. Please try to make this at all possible.
8/20 Eagle Court of Honor:
RSVP to Jill ([email protected]) or Kim ([email protected]) by August 5. Scouts should be in Class A uniform.
Parents should be dressed up. A few parents will be needed during the ceremony to help set up food.
8/28 Court of Honor at 4pm:
Brian Jankowski will MC. It will be held at Bissonette’s house.
Last Names For What to Bring
A – H Side Dish (Pasta, Potato, Beans)
I – P Vegetable Dish
Q – Z Dessert
9/20 Pasta Dinner:
Need to have tickets printed and begin sales. Jill will check with Lori Samerdak about solicitation of items and baskets for raffle. It was suggested that each scout or family provide the name of one person or company who might be willing to donate money or an item for the raffle. This could be done at the 8/28 Court of Honor.